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Del Paggio’s Cucina is about food. Patti and I are both home cooks, but in my former life, I ran a few restaurants for the family and had my hand in everything from bussing tables to head chef. The head chef's job was usually when the current chef working for the family was under the weather, so to speak.

The name Del Paggio’s is my grandparent’s name. I wanted to keep the name alive and give thanks to the two individuals who taught me to cook and live life to the fullest. Thanks, Papa & Noni! This site is for you.

We’re not here for fancy cooking or using expensive tools, foods, or anything else used in the kitchen. We don’t measure, but we love to cook. Cooking is about taste and who needs to measure when you can taste?

Between videos, podcasts, and written posts we want to help the home cook continue to keep the love and joy in cooking at home.

Thanks for reading DelPaggio's Cucina! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Everything is shot on an iPhone and from our home kitchen. We don’t edit or work from scripts as you will see. We make mistakes, a bunch of them and you’ll see them all. Patti and I haven’t seen a cooking show that stays true to its nature. That’s not us. What you’ll get are recipes, videos, and posts of recipes that you can make with what’s in your home.

The videos, recipes, and future podcasts give you recipes for 1 to 2 people as well as 10 and more. Enjoy and cook often.

Buon Appetito

Mark & Patti

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“You don't need no stinkin' measurements"- It’s about taste, smell, sight, and love. Buon. Appetito!


Husband, Dad, Papa first, then podcaster, writer, publisher, and chief bottle washer. Not necessarily in that order, either.