Update From the HQ of the Fresno Pizzapocalypse
The HEAT is on to make this happen. Want to join us?
Photo courtesy of thrillist.com - New York Style
Hey everyone, Mark here, and I'm coming to you from the HQ (our house) of the Fresno pizzapocalypse with updated news and information.
We're at the beginning of the pizzapocalypse, which is a great time to strike.
Other major cities like New York, New Jersey, Boston, New Haven, Chicago, Detroit, etc., have already invented a pizza for their respective cities.
Photo courtesy of eater.com - New Haven Style
The Question
My question is this. With Fresno having an abundance of veggies, meats, and fruit, why aren't the pizza shops in the area more interested in making a Fresno-style pizza rather than New York or another city style?
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when it comes to pizza shops in Fresno making those New York-style imitation pizzas or the traditional Chicago deep dish or Detroit pizza.
They're popping up all over. Some are chains, and some are Mom & Pop pizza shops just trying to give what customers might want.
While there's nothing wrong with this, why hasn't a local pizza shop or a bunch of local pizza shops come together to make what should be known as Fresno Style pizza?
Or better than that, what if we could put together a back-off and taste test to find the best representative of Fresno in a pizza?
Let's look at some of what it would take to make this happen.
Photo courtesy of eater.com - Chicago Style
What It Takes
Number one is someone who believes in the mission, like Patti and me. We both agree Fresno should have its style.
Next, we'll need the support of the community of Fresno to go along with this challenger being out to all the pizza shops. This entails talking about this endeavor to everyone they see and building support that way. There are numerous other ways the community can help.
How about letting the community write ideas on what would make a famous Fresno-style pizza? I think that's a good idea. How about you?
Then we need to get the support of politicians, business leaders, and anyone else that has a voice in and outside the community. This needs to go nationwide.
I don't know of any city that had a taste test of all the pizza shops in their respective city to determine which pizza represents its city. We would be the first. I'll check on that for sure.
The reward for the pizza shop that wins may not be monetary at first but think of the possibilities over time. A famous pizza style developed locally and sold nationally for starters. Who knows where this could go?
I'm jumping ahead of myself, though.
Photo courtesy of ABC 30 — Fresno Style?
Back to Reality
We still need to make this a reality. That's the hard part of thinking this out.
Patti and I know this could be huge and a great deal of fun, especially the taste testing.
We thought the taste test should be in the fall when the fair is happening. We could have the taste test at the fair, maybe the last week, and the winner would be announced on local television and radio.
But we're still at the beginning. The thought process is well along, and I could give anyone the spiel of a lifetime as to why this is important and why it would be great for Fresno.
On so many fronts, this is good for the community, the city of Fresno, and the businesses of Fresno, especially the pizza shops, win or lose.
Imagine if this goes national and what it could inspire of other California cities. Maybe other states would also jump on the bandwagon, but then again, there I go thinking big. Perhaps too big, as some would say.
Moving Forward
But that's how ideas come to happen. It isn't too big if it generates a group of community leaders volunteering to make this happen.
With the support of major sponsors lined up from the restaurant field to local businesses, this could happen and be even bigger than imagined.
Once Again, Back to Reality
Let's take a breather and think again about what I've said and asked everyone.
Community involvement
Political Involvement
Business Leaders Local/National Involvement
Sponsorships from Local & National Companies
A Core group of believers and volunteers to bring it together
A Taste-Test bigger than any other
Finally, a winner
That's about it. Is that asking too much? Is that an unreal possibility?
Is that too much to ask from Fresno?
Let me know in the comments what you think about this endeavor.
Mark & Patti