Hey Fresnan’s! The Fresno Pizzapocalypse is Real!
It’s time to stand up and make a statement!
It's time to make this thing happen. The thing I'm talking about is the pizzapocalypse here in Fresno.
I've written about this before, and there are some supporters out there, but we need more.
In thinking this through, I think social media may be the way to kick this off.
As much as I would like to be out there pounding the pavement, as they say, it's too much for one or two people. So why not let social media do our bidding to get Fresno's own pizza?
First, I want to set up a hashtag for all posts on social media. So as of today #fresnosownpizza and #fresnosown are the two I'm considering. If you have some other ideas, please write them in the comments section. All ideas will be considered in this mission.
Next is which social media channels to use. All of them, from Facebook to whatever else is out there, is a potential platform to spread the word.
Right now, we don't need physical volunteers as much as we need Fresnans to post on the internet. We need postings from as many Fresnan's who believe in this idea as possible.
Reach out to family, friends, enemies in some cases, and anyone else you can think of. Even people who aren't from Fresno may want to join in our mission to get a Fresno pizza of its own.
Of course, one question that keeps coming up is what will make up Fresno's own pizza? That's where we all can chime in so the pizza parlors can get ideas of what we want, not just their take on a Fresno pizza.
In my opinion, we live in the United State's agricultural capital, and we have loads of fruits, veggies, and meats to choose from. All homegrown or grass-fed in our backyard. All we have to do is think about all of them and put them together.
From Fresno chili's to locally grown tomatoes and other veggies as well as the meats raised here, we have it all.
Imagine finding a Fresno pizza in New York, our even better people from New York, Boston, New Haven, and other east coast cities bragging about a pizza from Fresno. That would put Fresno on the map for sure.
Not that Fresno isn't already on the map as a place to come and vivisection, but a destination for pizza would be fantastic.
Is all of this possible? Of course, it is, but it'll take more than an article or two or a bunch of videos here on NewsBreak to make it happen.
That's where every Fresnan comes into play. We all need to bang together and start asking for our own pizza. We need to broadcast on all the social networks and in person whenever you visit a local pizza parlor that we want our own pizza. Whether a local shop or a national chain, we can influence their decision to join in the quest to find Fresno's own pizza.
It's not that hard. We have the ability to make this happen now if we want it.
If you believe in this mission or project, join in now and use the hashtags provided above for now. If and when I get more ideas for hashtags, I'll post them in an article here or on Twitter at markjohn1 for now. I'll be setting up a Twitter profile for this project soon, and I will keep you updated here.
This is a project/mission of love. I believe in this mission and want to see Fresno get recognition for its own pizza.
Join the mission now! Get involved by simply tweeting or posting a comment about wanting Fresno's own pizza with the above hashtags.
Let's rock this mission!!!