
A Tuna Recipe with Safe Catch Citrus/Pepper Tuna

This may not be for everyone, but it sure tasted great to me.

This recipe isn’t one I’ve tried before. I did it live with you today. I forgot to add celery, but it was great without it.

I did add some ingredients you may not be bale to get or think those ingredients don’t go with tuna. I wasn’t sure either, but I tried them and they worked.

I’ve always been a fan of cranberries and tuna from my years of going to the Ocean Spray factory on Cape Cod to have their famous tuna berry sandwich.

Of course over the years many restaurants in the northern east coast cities had this sandwich on their menus and have claimed they’re famous for it, but it all started with Ocean Spray.

I want to than Safe Catch for supplying me with the tuna for this and upcoming videos for you. Check them out at SAFE CATCH.

Before you go, make sure to watch part 2 of this video. It’s the bigger taste test.

Also I hope you give this recipe a try and if you have others you’d like to share please do and I will make those one day.

Buon Appetito!

Mark & Patti