Hi Friends!
I wanted to take this opportunity to write and let you know what's been going on with me for the past week and even for the past few months.
I've relayed a few times about the health issues I've been dealing with since November. Still, I don't know if I went into the details without getting long-winded I've been dealing with a touchy situation with my vertebral artery on the right side.
I only have one vertebral artery, unlike others. Usually, you have a left and right one that leads to the basilar artery/brainstem. My one artery had a blockage that was causing multiple TIA's. Since November, we've
counted 10 TIA's, the last one being last Wednesday evening.
In February, my Doctor, the only one willing to consider surgery if needed, did an angiogram to see the extent of the blockage. Other local Neurologists had all said there was nothing they could do. I would have to live with the blockage and hope for the best.
The blockage in February was severe, but since surgery was risky, maybe dealing with it via medication may be the best for now. Well, that seemed to work until last week.
Another TIA on Wednesday and drip to ER only confirmed what I had been feeling with this TIA. It was different than the rest and seemed to me more intense, which it was.
Friday morning, when she did another angiogram before surgery, our worst fears were realized. The blockage had become worse, and surgery was needed to place a stent.
There was a great deal of risk in performing the surgery as much of a risk in not doing it. The Doctor told Patti I would not have made the weekend if I didn't have the surgery.
So the stent was placed, and on Saturday morning, I took my first steps without tumbling, swaying, or feeling tipsy in months.
My Doctor asked how I felt, and I said terrific. My mind was clear, and I felt the best I had felt in 7 months. Even the color of my skin was back.
I begged to go home and recuperate, and after talking for a bit, she agreed to release me as long as I took it easy. I did.
I have so many people to thank for hanging in there with me these past months, from my immediate family to all my friends who support our newsletters.
There are great things to come as I move forward with our newsletters, and I hope you'll allow me to continue bringing you great content.
Here are the before and after pics.